US Community Development Funding
CDFI Grant Specialists — Supporting
Your Fund Potential
Efficient strategies for securing funding and maximizing your community impact.
Strategy | Impact | Results
We Work for You to Achieve Funding Success with Our Comprehensive Grant Applications Services

To secure the resources that support your primary mission and strategic objectives, it’s essential to understand the CDFI Fund grant application process and expertly navigate its intricacies with confidence.
Our Grant Application Services are here to simplify the process from start to finish, allowing you to concentrate on other areas of your operations while we focus on securing the funds you need to advance community development and revitalization.

Bank Enterprise Award Program
The Bank Enterprise Award (BEA) Program rewards FDIC-insured depository institutions for increasing their investments and support of CDFIs and advancing their community development financing and service activities in the most economically distressed communities. These awards are intended to help banks offset some of their risk, maintain capital requirements, and create meaningful community impact. BEA is awarded to CDFIs that support communities with significant poverty levels and high unemployment.
For more information, click below.
CDFI Program Financial Assistance
The CDFI Program builds the capacity of CDFIs to meet their strategic goals, empowering them to drive community revitalization. Financial Assistance (FA) awards allow CDFIs to enter new markets, expand their products and services, or serve new targeted populations. Successful applicants tell a consistent and compelling story of how FA award dollars will be leveraged to meet the needs of the communities they serve. FA Awards can be applied to Lending Capital, Capital Reserves, Loan Loss Reserves, Development Services, or Financial Services.
For more information, click below.

CDFI Program Technical Assistance
The CDFI Program offers additional Technical Assistance (TA) awards. These competitive awards allow CDFIs or Certifiable CDFIs to build their organizational capacity to serve their communities. TA Awards can be used to achieve CDFI Certification or invested in activities that support a CDFIs strategic goals and achieve community impact, such as technology purchases, staffing, or training.
For more information, click below.
Small Dollar Loan (SDL) Program
The purpose of the Small Dollar Loan (SDL) Program is to expand consumer access to mainstream financial institutions and provide alternatives to high-cost small dollar loans. The SDL Program provides grants to enable CDFIs to begin or expand small dollar loan programs that help unbanked and underbanked populations build credit and access affordable capital.
For more information, click below.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Contact us for a free consultation and CDFI Preliminary Suitability Analysis.